GAME , Â 6 in Post Season -World Series Tshirts
After hitting only 12 homeruns all year, San Francisco Giants’ Pablo Sandoval has already half his entire year’s output in in 11 games and just over 50 at bats. That’s 1 homerun per every 8 at bats! Unheard of! Even Babe Ruth didn’t touch those numbers. And last night’s three in one game coming off the premier pitcher in baseball in a tough hitter’s park (ATT). PLEASE! Even if this is somehow a fluke, it’s no fluke that the entire Giants team is hitting well up from their season average, which was high to begin with – especially in the second half. When you have a 37 year old journeyman player like Marco Scutero suddenly hitting .360 over half a season and .400 in the playoffs – he never hit over .299 during his best years- you have to wonder. …
Even more amazing is that Scutaro has only struck  out one one time in his 50 plus at bats during the playoffs. And then, there are Pagan, Blanco, Belt and even Crawford all hitting .20 to .50 points higher than last year or improved their extra bases significantly . And the pitching… Casilla, Majias and now even the weakest starters like Zito, Vogelsong and Linzecum are dominating the other teams, much like Giants pitchers did uring the 2010 playoffs and world series… Only some of the names have been changed. But, it’s nothing new for the Giants. In fact it’s very reminiscent of 2010 when the newsly acquired Cody Ross hit 8 homeruns during the last month of the season and in the playoffs – and the entire team started hitting like crazy after a mediocre year until then… Torres, Uribe, Renteria… Remember? A bunch of mediocre players suddenly hitting like Bate Ruth! And the pitching… Guys who never did anything before, guys named Casilla, Ramirez and Mota suddenly becoming world beaters… And it’s happening again, only with some different names . 2011 would have been the same except for some key season ending injuries to Brian Wilson and Buster Posey. Figured it out yet? Well we’lll help you. Starting with Barry Bonds, the Giants have made steroids and PEDs acceptable in baseball – well, at least in liberal San Francisco . Only in San Francisco cold Bonds remain a hero – we was almost brought back as a coach. San Francisco fans don’t seem to mind, nor do management. Get a player cheap other teams don’t want. So what if he’s got a questionable record, like Melky Cabrera in Atlanta . So what if he’s been on three teams in three years, often a teltale sign, like Melky or Scutaro. With so much juice running rampant in the home of Balco and Victor Conte, getting the PED of choice is not a problem, whether testosterone or whatever – and there’s probably enough already in the locker room. Heard of the ‘cockroach theory’? YOu see one and then you see a lot more. In 2010 it was Jose Guillen who ignited the fire. After he came (and was subsequently banned by baseball for banned substances found in his mail after one previous drug violation that was enough to set off the rest of the Giants. Their hitting literally doubled the last months of the season. This year it was Melky – or Moto – who may have brought the goods and Scutaro -who came to the team just before fellow Venezuelan Cabrera was let go – was the apparent key benefactor. GET IT? The stats are there… every Giant in the lineup is hitting over .270 for the year except Hunter Pence, who just got here after Melky, but is still contriubuting with RBIs and Brandoon Crawford , who has still upped his average 25 points. And now we have Sandoval – who wasn’t necessarily your classic user prototype, but now one must even wonder about him. Only Buster Posey might be clean, but then… Nah….SEE MORE STATS BELOW @